I'm not going to be so crass as to dismiss a whole genre on the grounds of perceived predictability any more than I'd dismiss Shakespeare's sonnets on the grounds that they're all about love, but throw in a more than passing resemblance to R Kelly's 'Ignition' and the feeling of déjà vu I get with 'Burn' overwhelms. But ultimately,the killer blow comes from 'Burn' being a song that neither speaks to me nor seems to even particularly want me to come in to play. Despite the subject matter and claims of sincerity ("It's gonna burn for me to say this, but it's coming from my heart"), Usher never sounds close to losing the studiously cool and aloof image he's careful to cultivate on the cover shot in, it permeates the song beneath too and such insularity (to the point that I'm wondering if those shades are mirrored on both sides) makes 'Burn too egotistical to enjoy - it's a song by Usher, about Usher and aimed at an audience of one. Himself. And I'm happy to leave him to it. Nice production job though.
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