Tuesday, 22 June 2010
2005 Shayne Ward: That's My Goal

Sunday, 20 June 2010
2005 Nizlopi: JCB

2005 Pussycat Dolls: Stickwitu

Friday, 18 June 2010
2005 Madonna: Hung Up

Should we be surprised? Frankly, yes - after all, there's no precedent here; pop acts do have a limited shelf life before they're replaced and there was nothing in Madonna's presentation back then to suggest she'd be anything different. Of course, she'd already re-invented herself enough times by 1989 to show that she was savvy enough to not stay still, but even so, female singers with longevity tend to be cut from a more sophisticated cloth than a crop top and 'Boy Toy' belt buckle and one that improves and gains gravitas with age; it's easy enough to picture punters paying top dollar to see a Shirley Bassey belting out 'Goldfinger' for as long as she was capable, but I could never quite picture anyone wanting to see a Madonna of the same age creaking out 'Like A Virgin'. Who would?
The closest point of reference we have is the benchmark set by the ever reliable Rolling Stones, but even they don’t provide a precedent that does her justice; Jagger and co haven’t had a number one since 1969. And though they do release new albums on a semi-regular basis, as a catalyst for another world tour they’re met with little more than a respectful interest; nobody expects another 'Exile On Main Street' and nobody is too disappointed when one duly fails to arrive. Madonna doesn't get such an easy ride; each new album is trailed with expectation, if just to see what she's going to do next, and there's palpable disappointment whenever it fails to meet the expected mark.
In 2005, her forthcoming ‘Confessions Of A Dancefloor’ album was seen as another 'comeback' of sorts after the perceived disaster of her 2003 'American Life' album and so was waited for with baited breath. What exactly were people expecting I wonder? What do they still expect (at the time of writing, her 'MDNA' album was generating similar column inches)? I honestly don't know. I don't think Madonna does either - lest we forget, this pop star at 46 malarkey is new ground for her too and Madonna's position is a struggle that can be summed up by 'Hung Up's promotional video.
In it, Madonna pitches up at a dance studio with a leotard and ghetto blaster (a la 'Call On Me's infamous promo film), and then performs an energetic, quasi erotic aerobics workout to her own song…. while still wearing high heels, full make-up and a straight from the hairdresser's chair blow dry. And there you have it, the dual desire for youthful pop relevance countered by an urge for class, sophistication and a nagging sense that she should be growing old more gracefully; there's no doubt about it, Madonna wants it both ways and, in striving for both, she frequently winds up pulling herself in two. With unsatisfactory results.
As far as 'Hung Up' goes though, by retreating back to her natural territory of the dancefloor with a back to basics circling of the wagons to show the world she hasn't lost her dance chops, Madonna plays it safe. And as far as that goes, it’s a success. As clean and precise as a metronome, ‘Hung Up’ derives its glitzy roll from a keyboard riff sampled from Abba's 'Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie' which adds a sparking fulcrum for Madonna to skip around like the eighties club singer she wishes she still was. Nostalgia of a kind then, but it's not all plain sailing - that sample dominates to the point of it becoming a gimmicky crutch rather than a conduit, for innovation, and for anyone over-familiar (like me) with the Abba original, then ‘Hung Up’ is tainted with a sheen of Europop tackiness that takes off whatever gloss Madonna adds. And whatever I myself expect from Madonna, it’s always something more than a borrowed song.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
2005 Westlife: You Raise Me Up

2005 Arctic Monkeys: I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor

But then again, the band can hardly be responsible for other the weight of other people's expectations, and it's clear from its opening chords that 'I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor' will itself be making no concession to the contemporary; on its own, the lyric namechecks 1984 electropop and Duran Duran hits from before chief Monkey and songwriter Alex Turner was even born ("I said, I bet that you look good on the dancefloor, dancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984"). It's all metaphor of course, a twisted 'Teenage Kicks' of Turner imagining the cold and disinterested girl who's winding him up ("I wish you'd stop ignoring me, because it's sending me to despair") looking good dancing to cold, disinterested music is a put down of sorts.
But to look at it another way (whilst wearing my post-modern hat of pretension), it could also be reference to the dystopian, no love future ("Oh, there ain't no love, no Montagues or Capulets are just banging tunes and DJ sets and dirty dancefloors, and dreams of naughtiness!") Orwell predicted in 'Nineteen Eighty Four', giving reassurance that if this girl doesn't like him then who cares? She's not going to be liking anybody. Is that pushing it too far? Maybe, maybe not - hindsight has revealed Turner to be a songwriter of no small talent, and subtext is a sign of strength for any lyricist. Regardless of the 1984 references though, this is no La Roux or Ladytron style new romantic revival; in tone, 'I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor's wendy house garage harks back further again to the jerky guitar shuffles of late seventies/early eighties post punk Postcard or Fast Records acts, albeit with added muscle and purpose that's as rock and roll as Turner's quiff but with an earthy, do it yourself charm that's almost skiffle.
And that's kind of my problem with all this; although Turner doesn't outright rape his influences the way Oasis did, 'I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor' still flashes with the magpie approach of a songwriter trying on other people's glass slippers for size. Orange Juice, Josef K, The Pop Group, The Mekons...even Bogshed (listen to this back to back with 'Fat Lad Exam Failure') they're all here in a who's who of classic indie pick and mix that renders 'I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor' prime C86 material updated to C2005. Crucially though, it's not updated by enough to pull it free the gravity field of its obvious influences or for it to lose its hesitant stutter born of an artist yet to find his own voice. A good debut rather than a great one.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
2005 Sugababes: Push The Button

Monday, 14 June 2010
2005 Pussycat Dolls featuring Busta Rhymes: Don't Cha

2005 Gorillaz featuring Shaun Ryder: DARE

But apart from all the obvious, 'Sugar Sugar' and 'DARE' share a lot more DNA than they would care to admit. 'Sugar Sugar' might be less cryptic, but neither song has much to say for itself beyond a self generating, good time dance vibe. 'DARE' though is a hip hop/dance hybrid with a shuffling funk that fair drips with sweat. Only that sweat doesn't drip from its dance groove but from the tension of its own pretension and studious attempt to be so very 'now'. And if it's unfair to say that 'DARE' never breaks free of the straitjacket of its own conceit, it's certainty stymied by it (which is something that never bothered The Archies). 'DARE' sounds like a track that was born, gestated and worked up entirely in a studio following a pre-conceived remit with one eye on the zeitgeist; a fine approach if you're 10CC, not so in this field. Having Shaun Ryder guest is another careful tick in the credibility column, but his vocal only serves to remind of the Happy Monday's own loose fit, yet no less bone rattlingly inventive, take on the genre. In comparison, 'DARE' is as loose as a tourniquet with a 'beats in splints' rhythm that's too stiff for its own good with a constant repetition and lack of adventure that renders it something of a bore long before it finishes. Anything but DARING in fact.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
2005 Oasis: The Importance Of Being Idle

Friday, 11 June 2010
2005 McFly: I'll Be Ok

2005 James Blunt: You're Beautiful

Like Roy, a random girl has caught James' eye and he'd like to get to know her better too, but let Blunt tell you himself: "I saw an angel. Of that I'm sure. She smiled at me on the subway. She was with another man. But I won't lose no sleep on that, because I've got a plan. You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, it's true. I saw your face in a crowded place, and I don't know what to do". And that's it - there's nothing cryptic or obscure about 'You're Beautiful' and Blunt wears his feelings on his sleeve in thick tubes of glowing neon. You know where you are with this one. Unlike Orbison though, there's no twist in the tale happy ending for Blunt who, at song end, accepts "it's time to face the truth, I will never be with you."
Presented that way then it's all so much harmless fluff and any sane reaction would be a shoulder shrug of indifference at the same old, same old. But taken in the round, the cynical exploitation of Blunt's keening raises my hackles like those of a cat being chased with a spouting hosepipe. Blunt the 'artist' presents his little boy lost persona in a way that's distasteful in its emotional manipulation; 'Oh Pretty Woman' was as much about Orbison as the unnamed female, but 'You're Beautiful' is all about sympathy, not empathy, and he plays his audience like a violin. We aren't meant to share an 'I've been there' moment with James; no, his quivering simper instead plays the vote winning, self pity card for all its worth (the video even has him committing suicide Japanese style ferchrissakes) in its search for someone to fall for it. Ultimately, it means that for all his angst, I simply don't believe he has any interest in that particular girl at all - Blunt and his "There must be an angel with a smile on her face" is a means to an end, a very bad, three minute chat up line and his teary hand wringing no more than a palatable version of Buffalo Bill's fake arm cast ruse to get women in the back of his van; for all the forced sincerity in his voice, Blunt may as well be singing in front of a mirror. This is ghastly stuff.
2005 2pac featuring Elton John: Ghetto Gospel

Perhaps Eminem had usurped him by 2005 (and perhaps Jay Z in latter years), but at the point of his shooting in 1996, Shakur certainly held the crown of the most famous/recognisable rapper in town, if only for his name and manner of death and not his face and the body of work he created in life - far fewer people would recognise 'California' as his work than they would recognise 'Strawberry Fields Forever' or 'No Woman No Cry' than they would his name and his shooting. And his fame was such to warrant 'afterlife' releases long after his death; 'Ghetto Gospel' is in fact taken from his posthumous 2004 album 'Loyal To The Game' and produced by Eminem in a neat handing over of the baton.
Eminem's input here is important; the 'featuring Elton John' credit is not reference to a duet recorded with Shakur his lifetime but a later sample from John's 1971 'Indian Sunset' that was overdubbed later (it's not on Shakur's original take). Why? Well, though 'Indian Summer' ostensibly relates the saga of the native American Indian being usurped by the white man, the sample lines "Those who wish to follow me I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold, and peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns" chimes well with 'Ghetto Gospel's own appeal for unity and an end to gang warfare and sets up Shakur as the Messiah ("Those who wish to follow me I welcome with my hands") to deliver it. With 'Ghetto Gospel', the message is more important than the medium, and with the a generic hip hop beat backing him, it's a track that stands or falls on the delivery of that message.
And therein lies the problem; regardless of reputation, past glories or the way Shakur spits out his lines with venom, the rhymes come with a flat edge of predictability ("Don't them let me get teary, the world looks dreary, but when you wipe your eyes, see it clearly") that cushions their impact, an outcome not helped by Eminem slowing Shakur's original take (presumably to better accommodate the John sample) until Shakur's free flow turns to sludge with none of the sparky rhyming crash. And though it might be too harsh to see the John sample as taking its cue from 'Stan' to throw a bone to white audiences in the name of greater commercial appeal (an obscure 1971 Elton John song wouldn't be the best vehicle for that anyway), the blend of artistic style is nevertheless of oil and water, a paring that sounds as out of place and out of time as a seventies, piano led ballad being crudely pasted onto a contemporary hip hop tune. Which is what it is really. As a song, 'Ghetto Gospel' is clunkily competent, but as 2pac Shakur tracks go, it's not one of his greatest. And while it no doubt provides a further boost for that legacy the way every Bob Marley or Beatles re-release does, it also provides its own ammunition for those who would seek to detract.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
2005 Crazy Frog: Axel F

The Faltermeyer remix that carries it is pedestrian and would have sounded so the mid-nineties. And though the 'words' (provided by Sweden's Daniel Malmedahl)* at first blush are the amusing distraction of a child full of too much fizzy drink running around a train carriage, unless you're willing to buy into the surrounding media hype (or have a fondness for obnoxiously hyperactive kids) then there's nothing else to provide a handhold of depth or context to stop that very hyperactivity becoming its own downfall as it goes about its business of grating away on the nerves. For my own part, I see 'Axel F' as just another work of Eurodance hokum, albeit one a good five years late for the party. And late for the party is exactly how I feel about it - listening to 'Axel F' is like walking late into a stand up comedy show and only catching the closing punchline that reduces the audience to raucous laughter but not knowing what came before that made it so funny. 'Axel F' certainly seems to have amused a lot of people too, but I find the whole thing so insipidly uninspiring that I have no notion that I'm 'missing' anything and no desire to find out for sure either way.
* Comedian Fogwell Flax was doing this routine back in the eighties. Now he was funny.
2005 Oasis: Lyla

But nevertheless, enthusiasm and expectation surrounding the band was still enough to take this, the debut single from their sixth album, to number one; 'Lyla' is a teeth bared, hard metallic clunk of sound where an opening borrowed from 'Street Fighting Man' gives way to a dumb, brick wall hitting Ramones-a-like chorus that does nothing of note bar drag on for at least half as long as it needs to, and each round of the "Hey Lyla" chorus polishes its impenetrable surface further and further until it reflects only what it thinks it is. What does it think it is? Well, a 'classic rock single' in the vein of the same ones The Rolling Stones and The Ramones used to release. Why is it 'impenetrable'? Well, because in holding up a mirror to its own inspiration, it forgets to add anything of its own or show any understanding of what it's actually trying to achieve; 'Lyla' puts me in mind of someone trying to pass themselves off as a master baker because they know what a cake looks like. The U2 of 'Desire' were guilty of trying too hard to get membership of The Club in attempting to naturally hitch onto a lineage they could never have been a part of; 'Lyla' is arrogant enough to believe it can barge its way to acceptance by force alone. But it can't, and despite what they were proclaiming back in 1994, 'Lyla' manages to neither rock nor roll. In fact, it's joyless and dull. Very, very dull.
2005 Akon: Lonely

So why is Akon lonely? "I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side"; so, the old story then. And why has she gone? "Been all about the world ain't never met a girl that can take the things that you been through. Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing you" and "baby girl I didn't mean to shout, I want me and you to work it out. I never wished I'd ever hurt my baby and it's driving me crazy" - ignoring the sinister overtones of implied domestic violence (which might explain why she made such a silent exit from his bed), it's fair to say that Akon hasn't been a model boyfriend over the years. Which isn't a crime in itself, but what crawls under the skin is Akon's egotistical lyric of self centred chauvinism and rampant self pity that puts his own unhappiness centre stage. Never mind what his unnamed "baby girl" wants - Akon doesn't care and his understanding is whittled down to a plea of "so stop playing girl and come on home". Does anyone need an R&B version of 'Back For Good'? I'd say about as much as Akon deserves our sympathy. To which the answers are 'no' and 'none'. But at the very least, 'Lonely' gets a reaction out of me that goes beyond ho-hum indifference, so it's achieved more than most.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
2005 Tony Christie featuring Peter Kay: Is This The Way To Amarillo

Originally written by Neil Sedaka, 'Is This The Way To Amarillo' and Christie's junior Tom Jones posturing and vocal always had an all inclusive footstomping, glitzy cabaret charm tailor made to open (or close) any Vegas wannabe show on the chicken in the basket circuit. But whilst no song with the audacity to rhyme "Amarillo" with "hugging my pillow" can ever lay claim to being high art, this 2005 'comic' setting and Kay's gurning lowers the tone by tarnishing it with an unwelcome taint of kitsch and bawdiness that's camper than a troupe of boy scouts in the woods. The result is an uneasy feeling that someone is having the piss taken out of them. And ok, I guess by the very definition of 'Comic Relief' then someone is, but any money raised for a 'good cause' notwithstanding, digging 'Is This The Way To Amarillo' from out of its seventies grave in this way does neither it nor Christie any favours in the long run; Christie's subsequent promotional duties unfairly set him up as a fool singing a fool's song. Fair enough that he was game enough to play along, but better by far for both song and artist to have no legacy at all than this one. Both deserve more.
* But then I could be getting it mixed up with an ubiquitous television commerical for Armadillo sherry that used a re-recorded version of the song ("Show me the way to Armadillo") to encourage punters to turn up at their local off licence with any plastic containers they could get their hands on which would then be filled with budget sherry by the gallon and straight from the tap. I bet it tasted rank.
2005 McFly: All About You/You've Got A Friend

2005 Stereophonics: Dakota

Maybe that's why I find 'Dakota' appealing on a number of levels; the neo Neu Krautrock clicktrack of the opening, Jones's hot gravel vocal, the wistful "Thinking about thinking of you, summertime think it was June" Hefner/Wedding Present kitchen sink reminisces of the lyrics, the air punch of the "You made me feel like the one" chorus - there's much to be enjoyed here. And even though they are spare parts borrowed from elsewhere, they are parts engineered into a well built motor that's able to purr and roar in equal measure. That motoring analogy is useful too in that 'Dakota' plays out like the flip side of 'Born To Run'; the promotional video has Jones driving an American convertible forwards, though with his mind stuck firmly in reverse and ghosts of the past as his passengers."Wake up cold coffee and juice. Remembering you, what happened to you?"; 'Dakota' is the innocence of Springsteen's teenage dreams turned into the experience of a drive time anthem more suited to a weary, too much time to think about what might have been, middle aged commute home on the M25 than the open road of Highway 61. "I don't know where we are going now, I don't know where we are going now"; oh yes, I'm always a sucker for some wistful regret, and this is one of the better examples of that particular genre.
Monday, 7 June 2010
2005 Nelly featuring Tim McGraw: Over And Over

2005 Jennifer Lopez: Get Right

* A musical collaboration with Stockport's Williams Fairey Brass Band that fused a traditional brass band with acid house and Detroit techno. It's well worth tracking down.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
2005 U2: Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own

It's a lesson U2 could have done with learning too; a constant comment regarding each of their entries so far has been in relation to their persistent attempts to sharp elbow their way to a star on the rock mythos walk of fame. As I wrote way back on 'Desire', "if this stuff isn't going to come naturally, then it isn't going to come at all" and their attempts to force it tend to result in something that's always reeked of a self awareness that was their own undoing. Too knowing, too trying too bloody hard - any number of U2 songs would have been improved immeasurably by the band simply getting on with it and not pausing by every doorway to see what they could ape, what they could steal or what they could attempt to innovate. Because in taking their eyes off their quarry to see what's going on around them, U2 have a habit of losing all momentum and falling just like Wile E does.
Which makes it frustrating (for me) when they do eventually manage to come up with a song like this; inspired (if that's the right word) by the death of Bono's father, 'Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own' sees U2 ignoring all distractions labelled 'post-modern irony' or signposts leading to dusty American rock and blues to deliver a song that runs straight off the edge of that cliff.....and keeps on running. "I know that we don’t talk, I’m sick of it all. Can you hear me when I sing? You're the reason I sing"; buoyed by its own natural self belief and honesty, 'Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own' locates its emotional core quickly and then latches itself to it like a ship to an anchor with a minimum of fuss to the maximum of effect.
Not that U2 ever threaten to blow up a storm to shake it loose - 'Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own' recalls the slow burning swell of Achtung Baby's 'So Cruel' or 'One', but without Eno's fiddling to distract them the band behind fall into auto-pilot mode behind Bono, content to fill in the gaps behind his lead without any sideways glances at what they 'could' or 'should' be doing. And in so doing, they do what U2 do best. I'm not sure it's a good 'single', and I've always thought 'Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own' would work better as an album track, but regardless, it remains the most satisfying U2 number one to date and a prime example of why, even though I'm always up for dismissing them, I'm never fool enough to write them off completely.
Friday, 4 June 2010
2005 Eminem: Like Toy Soldiers

"Now it's just out of respect for not runnin' my mouth, and talkin' about something that I knew nothing about. Plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn't my beef, so I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth" ; 'Like Toy Soldiers' is personal, perhaps too much so - if you know the story and the personalities behind the lyrics then you can turn the key and unlock the secrets, but to the layman fan just here for the music then he may as well be rapping in Greek. Past digs at Britney or Fred Durst are one thing, but the machine gunned references to "The Source", "Murder inc" "Benzino" and "the Ja shit" etc. renders 'Like Toy Soldiers' introverted and cryptic to the point of impenetrability to anyone the wrong side of the tent watching Eminem pissing out. And while he still dazzles in his sparky rhymes and wordplay over a sparse canon picked out on a piano, there's precious little of this trademark wit or bite on show to lighten the load. 'Like Toy Soldiers' is very much the curveball in Eminem's back catalogue, one that plays out like a page from a private journal and relies as much on Martika's sample for it's success as Dido's subsequent career depended on his use of one of hers.
2005 Elvis Presley: It's Now Or Never

* Actually, although 'All Shook Up' would have been the first, it was ineligible for the charts this time round on the grounds of its packaging (it came with a storage case designed to hold the remaining re-issues in the series). Elvis Presley, rebel to the end.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
2005 Ciara featuring Petey Pablo: Goodies

Wednesday, 2 June 2010
2005 Elvis Presley: Jailhouse Rock: Elvis Presley: One Night/I Got Stung
And yes, they do still sound vital - that two stop opening snap and Elvis' urgent declaration that "The warden threw a party in the county jail" still sounds like an announcement akin to a door being booted open. And that's an apt descriptor - how many of the singles that followed owe it a debt? Well, not many according to Tim Luckhurst. Writing in The Times (in 2005), Professor of Journalism Luckhurst stated "American giants such as Bob Dylan and Frank Zappa merit our affection. If he had started singing after John Lennon, Presley would not merit a place on 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here". The fact that Lennon has acknowledged that without Presley, he wouldn't have started singing in the first place (making Luckhurst's observation a bit of a nonsense to start with, and an ignorant one at that) notwithstanding, I'm prepared to gather Luckhurst's hospital pass and run with it to a certain extent: how would Elvis have fared on any 1950's equivalent of a reality show like 'Pop Idol' I wonder?
Because if there's one thing that the number one singles these shows have spawned to date have shown us, it's that they like to play it safe. Cover versions, ballads or safe pop that pushes no boundaries, Pop Idol (et al) winners clearly have no brief to advance popular culture in any direction other than sideways; when Steve Brookstein covers 'Against All Odds', he does it straight. No chaser. Contrast then with Elvis, who turned up at Sam Phillip's Sun Studios in 1954 to record 'Blue Moon Of Kentucky', a popular Bill Monroe bluegrass waltz from 1946. The version whipped up by Elvis, Scotty Moore and Bill Black is anything but a safe, cover and instead turns Monroe's pedestrian waltz into something that caused Phillip's to shout "BOY, that's fine, that's fine. That's a POP song now!" In any event, it certainly wasn't bluegrass.
Would a contemporary talent show panel be so enthusiastic at Elvis subverting an iconic American genre and song into a genre all of its own, the hybrid offspring of a white man singing Monroe's song in the manner that recalled the frowned upon 'race music' with a frenzied backbeat that was nevertheless so straight you couldn't lose it I wonder? This was new, this was original, and while I'm tempted to say that a modern equivalent would be Brookstein (or one of his ilk) 'doing' Phil Collins in the style of the Velvet Underground crossed with Dub Step, that would not come close to doing Elvis' achievement justice. After all, the Velvet Underground and Dub Step already exist; until Elvis struck up the band, the sounds heard on 'Blue Moon Of Kentucky' didn't. It's as simple as that.
For the here and now, 'Jailhouse Rock' and 'One Night' sound exactly as they did when we first met them. Neither age nor contemporary context has dulled the sheen of the former nor radically improved the latter. Over forty years old they may be, but these 'fossils' from the past have as much bite and swagger as the dinosaurs that roamed around Jurassic Park - old and out of place maybe, but get too close and they'll bite. How many of the more recent songs will we be able to say the same about forty years hence I wonder? 'Firestarter', the last truly 'what the fuck' number one is already showing its age; 'Jailhouse Rock' leaps over its head with one hip swivelling bound and dares it to keep up. And do you know what? It can't. Elvis Presley taking 1000th UK number one spot?* I couldn't have written that script better if I'd wanted to.
* With 'One Night' Which means that 'Jailhouse Rock' was the no less aesthetically pleasing 999th UK number one.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
2005 Steve Brookstein: Against All Odds

There's no doubt that the man can sing; even a cursory listen reveals that much. To go further, I'm happy to admit I'd rather hear this version than either Phil's squally original or Carey and Westlife's bombastic take. However, Brookstein himself mines no secrets from the source material and locates no hidden depths other than faithfully replicating what's there on the surface. Can Brookstein be blamed for that? Maybe there is nothing more there to be mined, but even so Brookstein makes no attempt to make the song his own other than to paste his own 'Steve Brookstein' vocal over the backing tune. Hardly the 'X factor' is it? Anyone could do that, couldn't they? Well yes they could, and had Brookstein done as much without the benefit of prime time, multi media exposure then I doubt this harmless roll of souvenir woodchip would have caught anyone's ear. In fact, his next single, 'Fighting Butterflies', released in 2006 (long after the hullabaloo was over) only managed to reach 193 in the chart. Which seems more like the 'Z Factor' to me. The prosecution rests.
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